Reminder: Platypus frames Thursday at 12pm PST
I don't know if they'll sell out in the first hour, day or week, but if you want one, your best bet is to be ready to add a frame to your cart right at noon. I'd be ready to click at 11:55 and just keep refreshing the page until the option to add to the cart appears. Please have one of these added to the cart as well so we know what your plans are unless you're getting just a frameset and don't need it prepped, in which case you can add just the frame.
Important: If you are getting a build, don't worry about adding parts to your frame order. We'll do that later on a separate invoice. Just make sure to add this to your cart and one of us will get in touch to go over parts with you.
Phone orders aren't recommended because they take longer, but we'll be here ready to answer. If you can't get through, it means all lines are busy.
Good luck y'all.