2021-1. Ye olde Inauguration Day, as a matter of fact.
If you don't recognize her immediately, where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio? More on Amanda Gorman later in this BLAHG.
A flat version of the RoadUno head badge:
Do you see the O and the C?
That "show flat, not curved around head tube" was a note to myself. At this point it's too much work to fix that.
This is the most underappreciated, unknown, ignored, secret best rear derailer currently manufactured. It shifts to 36t, it looks as good as the Shimano Altus and Acera, it indexes 9sp as well as a Shimano, and there's just nothing dumb about it. It is NOT a "generative design" derailer, which is why it looks good.
What do they mean by other "handwear" besides gloves? Mittens? You know, a few years ago we had-made-for you "half-mitts." They'd work in this application. Halfmitts didn't sell well. If you have a pair and don't use them, send them to me and I'll credit your account $20...which is more than you paid for them. I don't know where to get that fabric anymore, and it's hard to find people who'll make them. I want yours. I have a few of my own, but I want more, to give to some of the guys here who were too young at the time to appreciate them, or who just weren't here then.
Like to go hiking, American? You'll want a Tactical Staff.
Just so, you know, if somebody in the parking lot looks like he has the potential to look threatening, you can take care of him before he can yell "WTF?!!" This is where it's going. Cars, bikes, shoes, flashlights, hiking sticks, presidential transitions. Hike to the polls with one of these. It starts with a tactical flashlite, it ends with I don't know what.
Customer Nick sent me this link. It's about eBikes vs motorcycles for commuting. I am posting it not because I agree with it, but because I like this guys smirky facial gymnastics as he talks. I think he could make millions as a pitch-guy for something. It's about 5 minutes long, I forget:
I know what you're thinking: I come here to read about issues of RACE! Don't keep me waiting! Where are the pencils?
This shouldn't have to go between the pencils. Too many links, but this is her time, so give it to her, just for fun:
And here's more, and the text. A link to it.
This is kind of an interview a from NYT a day pub'd a day after inauguration.
This is a the poem written. Some big papers that should know better, not that this is a harsh scold, printed it in paragraph form, which makes it hard to see the word connections, line by line. This makes it easy, if you're into that.
Ye olde BRP might be squashed, because it doesn't comply with the 1981 Unruh Civil Rights Act. It complies with the spirit, the intent of the Act, but not with the letter of it. We have lawyers investigating, but at this stage it's not looking good. It's kind of like accepting "all men are created equal" and using that to mistreat women.
In a month we'll have more to say. In the meantime, we continue to let you buy BRF donations, buttons, and stickers. And for now, we'll refer to that as the Bicycle Riding Foundation, and spend the money however we see fit.
Ye olde cathartic rant. Kind of a repeat from a few months ago, but I need the catharsis again.
- Make sure you have enough momentum to coast at least five feet.
- STOP PEDALING with your RIGHT FOOT at 4:30. You’re past the power part of the stroke by then, entering the no-pow-r zone, so you aren’t going to slow down much.
- SHIFT at the same 4:30, and FLOAT your pedal up to 12:00. “Float” means apply no power.
Will sent me this, knowing it was right up my alley. It's about parking:
In the space required for one car, u-can fit at least 14 bikes. It helps if they all have kickstands. Without, you end up with a big goddamn ("goddamned"?) pile of bikes, pardon ye olde French (and apologies to French people).
A friend, MEO, sent me this. I use it with nearly no-carb fake tortilla wraps. I'm going to try this today:
It looks pretty neat. I bet it works. It did work, and the proof was in the sardines, hummus, sauerkraut, and ye olde guacamole that were, for the first time in my life, so securely contained in the coconut flour wrap, that I didn't need to hold it with two hands as I ate it over the sink. Don't be a bore about this. Don't tell others that they don't know how to wrap a burrito. This way is so good, that's a real danger. Don't even open the link.
The latest on ye olde playtypus, and this should wrap 'er up: